RETHINK works regularly and often with local government Councils and non-profit Boards.  While much of this work relates the their strategic planning roles, these governance teams often conclude that their behaviours are failing to add significant value to the organization they steward.  Even though the transition from ‘hands on’ management to ‘policy governance’ may be complete, policy and community accountability roles can be sadly neglected.  Boards know that they are neither strategic nor visionary – the two key skill sets required for effective leadership in today’s complex operating environments. Reflective Councils and Boards simply want to be better.

Core Governance CompetenciesRETHINK helps Boards:

  • identify and respond to the trends that are shaping governance
  • better understand and implement the concepts behind the shift to policy governance
  • determine what type of Board structure and practice is most appropriate for their situation – there is no universally applicable model
  • develop the policies, guidelines and practices required to implement the chosen model
  • understand and manage the challenges associated with the transition process (to the new model)
  • evaluate executive and overall organizational performance (outcome/results based)
  • evaluate Board performance.

Check out our book, RETHINKING Governance to better understand our perspectives.  Click here.


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